Thanks for your application!


Thanks for your application to the Food Bank!

We will check if we can help you.

We therefore need the bank statements of everyone living in your house – who is over 21 years old – for the last three months.

Once we get those bank statements, we can tell whether you will get a food parcel from the Food Bank. We will inform you within a few days.

You can download the statements from your bank’s website. Please send this download to

If you find that difficult, you can ask the Forms Brigade to help you. They will do this for free. Click on the link to see where and when the Forms Brigade provides help.

If you are in debt restructuring, your administrator can send an email to with the following information:

  • your debt overview
  • the budget plan together with
    • 3 months’ bank statements of all accounts,
    • the management account,
    • the living allowance account and
    • any savings accounts

When you come to the food bank for the first time, you will be welcomed by one of our volunteers. He or she will tell you how everything goes at our place and what rules we have. You sign that you will abide by those rules. Through this link you can already see what those rules are.

Kind regards,

Stichting Voedselbank Katwijk